Supporting effective environmental action in Scotland

Climate and nature Natural & Built Environment
4 April 2023

Funding trends, insights and stories to inspire from the Scottish environment sector

Elaine Gibb

Scotland is host to a whole ecosystem of charities and other civil society organisations who know that when it comes to our natural heritage, we cannot allow ourselves to fail. On land, in the sea, and ‘upstream’ in terms of changing behaviour, attitudes and policies, they work in a remarkably collaborative way to turn philanthropic funding into ‘wins’ for society and nature.

The Environmental Funders Network (EFN) exists to help funders be effective in their giving to these environmental causes: to join them up with one another, connect them with the many excellent organisations making change, and provide them with resources, including research, to inform their giving.

We have been helping to fund EFN’s programme in Scotland since 2019 through the ‘Environmental infrastructure’ strand of our Natural and Built Environment grant-making. This report by EFN, published in 2023, distills what research tells us about wider funding for environmental work in Scotland, and the needs of environmental organisations working here.

It aims to:

  1. Help funders and environmental organisations better understand the philanthropic funding landscape, and trends, in Scotland.
  2. Amplify the insights and aspirations of the leaders of environmental organisations large and small based, or working, in the country.
  3. Showcase some of the many inspiring environmental activities and approaches that philanthropy is enabling across Scotland.

Click the image above to read or download the report.

Read more about our interest in the Natural and Built Environment.


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