Our vision for Scotland’s culture and heritage

Culture and heritage offer a powerful lens through which we can understand ourselves, our history, and what matters to us today.

It connects us to our past, enriches our present, and can inspire us to create a thriving future.


Our Scottish Culture and Heritage grant-making aims to preserve and share these cultural roots while fostering creativity in contemporary Scotland.

We envision a future where Scotland’s cultural scene is inclusive, sustainable, and a vibrant source of inspiration for all.

We have five interrelated aims within this strand, which are described below.

Many of our grants touch on more than one of these.

Dewar Arts Awards

Nurturing a thriving cultural scene in Scotland means allowing talent to flourish wherever it exists.

But when it comes to making a career in the arts, not everyone has the same opportunity to fulfil their potential. Buying equipment, pursuing specialist training or having the time to work on a key project often depends on financial or family resources beyond the means of some up and coming creatives.

Removing this barrier to potential is what the Dewar Arts Awards charity is all about. Since 2002, it has been making financial awards to exceptional young artists who need assistance to grasp opportunities at key points in their development or career.

We have partnered with the Dewar Awards so they can support more gifted young people over a three-year period, in line with the aims of our Scottish Culture and Heritage strand. By flowing some of our funds through the Awards, we benefit from their expertise and reach in selecting the most appropriate recipients.

Find out more and how to apply on the Dewar Awards website.


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