New Independent Human Rights Fund for Scotland

Human rights Strategic grants
4 April 2024

The Independent Human Rights Fund for Scotland will help realise and defend rights, and tackle issues affecting people’s daily lives.

William Grant Foundation

The William Grant Foundation is pleased to be one of several funders contributing to this new fund as we continue to learn how rights-based approaches can advance our vision of a Scotland where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

The Fund will focus on people whose rights are most at risk. It will support people to use human rights as a tool for change.

The Fund is supported by a partnership of: The Baring Foundation, The Binks Trust, Cattanach, Corra Foundation, The Robertson Trust, The A B Charitable Trust and William Grant Foundation. It is hosted by Corra Foundation.

Three grants have been made in the first stage of the Fund’s work. These reflect a range of powerful approaches to supporting people and communities to power social change and secure justice. The next stage will see the Fund open to applications in the Summer. Decision making will be guided by people with a range of expertise, both lived and learned, on human rights.

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