We know that not everyone enjoys the same life chances in Scotland. People’s health and the social and economic conditions they experience can create and perpetuate inequalities.

In this strand of our giving we aim to help break cycles of disadvantage and to prevent harm. We also want to help people facing ill health and other forms of disadvantage to have more agency and control, so that they can live well on their own terms.

This is a broad field, but we have chosen to focus on two themes:

helping people to live well with long-term health conditions,

and supporting families in the early years.

Many of our living well with long-term conditions grants focus on empowering people to take control of how they manage their health conditions. This often involves giving people the chance to connect with others to create communities of mutual support. We also understand the vital role of unpaid carers, and that they need support too.

We recognise the compounding effect other forms of disadvantage can have for people with long-term conditions and are increasingly targeting support to people facing additional challenges like poverty, trauma or discrimination.

Click below for details of the grants we’ve made under this theme.

We know that the experiences of babies and toddlers – even in the womb – and their relationships in early life are so important to build foundations for a happy, safe and fulfilled life. But we also know these years can be challenging for families, especially those facing disadvantages like poverty, trauma or mental health problems.

We believe that flexible support for the whole family can help to change this, especially when delivered by trusted workers or volunteers, and led by the families’ needs and goals. Support might be emotional, social, practical or financial – or all of these.

We support both open access community-based services, and targeted initiatives for families who need specialist support for their situation. This can include families affected by imprisonment, the asylum system, or where there’s care experience, for example.

Click below for details of the grants we’ve made for family support in the early years.


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